Personal Growth

My Fast Track to Financial Freedom and Great Hair

Today I want to share an opportunity with anyone who has been looking for that “something more”. A year ago, I was that person. I was praying every day for a sign from God to give me a nudge in the right direction, as I felt that I was stuck in the mediocre life I was living. I was working several jobs just to pay my bills, and it wasn& …

November 26, 2017
Diet and Fitness Journey

The No Sugar Challenge!

THE NO SUGAR CHALLENGE! Day 1 Yesterday I posted on my Facebook fan page about detoxing our lives. I spent the day thinking about the different things I could start with, but landed on the one thing that I know will make the biggest impact. Plus, It is something I have been putting off for way too long. So, starting today, I am giving up sweets. I’m t …

November 15, 2017
Personal Growth

The Other Side of Fear

The Other Side of Fear This last September, I faced a BIG fear of mine – driving in the mountains. Just to be clear, I’ve driven in the mountains before. However, I’ve done it on my own terms, at my own speed, and I’ve turned around to go back when I started to get uneasy and queasy. But this time, I was a passenger to a man who knows NO fear (aka B …

November 11, 2017