After about a month of praying, and finally just “giving it to God”, as they say, I received my sign! It came in the form of a lunch with my sister, where I could clearly see that she was looking happier, healthier, and more confident than I had seen her in a very long time. Even her hair was shiny and vibrant, a direct reflection of her attitude that day. I finally asked her about what was going on with her, and she told me with much enthusiasm about a new natural-based, anti-aging hair care line she was using. My lifeless, breaking, dull, and thinning hair was also a direct reflection of how I was feeling on the inside as well, so I figured I had nothing to lose by trying some samples.
As many of you know, my results with this product were off the chart. (If you don’t know, check out my before and after photo!)
Even though it was December, and I was flat broke, there was something inside me telling me to take the leap. I justified my decision to join this company by telling myself that even if I never sold any product, I would have enough products to last me for many years. Plus, it was the only thing I had ever used that actually worked! So, with those justifications in place, I went against my own rule and put the biggest package available for purchase on my last credit card that had any available credit.
A month after starting the products, I finally decided to go public with my results. It was so far out of my comfort zone to take and post my selfies and story, and I lamented over doing it for several days before I finally sent everything to my sister so she could pull that trigger for me. But once I put myself out there, everything changed! It was a matter of minutes and my phone started blowing up with people asking me about the products, if I thought it would work for them, and how they could try it too. There were people who I haven’t talked to in years, people who I thought had perfect lives and perfect hair, and even people I didn’t think really even liked me who were now reaching out for help! The best part was that I’ve never had to actually sell anything. It is simply a matter of sharing the products and my personal results, and letting the products sell themselves.
Fast forward to now . . . I barely recognize the person I was a year ago. And I’m not just talking about my hair! I have new and renewed friendships that have been a direct result of this opportunity and my new-found confidence. Since last January, I have paid off $36,300 in debt by refinancing my home at a lower interest rate, selling a vehicle that was no longer being used, and by putting all of my extra Monat income towards my debt (using Dave Ramsey’s debt snowball plan). I feel like my life purpose has been renewed by helping others to find their own “something more”.
For anyone who is interested in learning more about this opportunity, please ask any questions or feel free to send me a private message. And for anyone wanting to try free samples of my products, I would also welcome you to send me a comment or a private message as well.
If you’ve made it all the way to the end of this long post, then maybe this is YOUR sign!
Thanks to all of you for all your support and friendship,