Welcome to Ideal Protein with Penny, formally known as One Saved Penny! Since the beginning of time (at least as far back as I can remember), I have always wanted to help people. Whether it was helping people by listening, offering a second opinion, doing things to make their day a little brighter, using my skills to save them time and money, finding ways to improve their health, helping someone to see something from someone else’s perspective, or just being there when needed, I was (and am) always happy to help. I believe that I was given the gift of empathy and sensitivity so that I could relate to all kinds of people and problems.
The purpose of starting my coaching business, One Saved Penny, was to allow me to share my story, the lessons I’ve learned, some of the challenges and fears I have faced and overcome, as well as the things I love and things that bring me happiness.
One of the subjects I have shared the most about was my struggles with my weight over the years. Growing up as the skinny kid who was teased relentlessly for being weak, bird-legged, and flat, I made it my mission to gain weight. I became a junk-food addict and would eat as much of it as I could get my hands on. Sadly, my weight did not increase, and my self-esteem continued to decrease. However, after I gave birth to my daughter, at age 25, something shifted. For the first time, my body started to fill out. And then it kept filling, filling, and filling, and wouldn’t stop.
I literally “tried all the things” to lose the weight. Dieting, exercise, starvation, meal plans, celebrity-sponsored plans, juicing, all the big name weight loss plans, vegetarian-based plans . . . you name it. I was always able to lose some weight, but it was a slow torture and never seemed to stick. I felt terrible while doing it, and the results weren’t enough to keep me on track. I would soon give up and return to my old ways. At one point, I realized that I had turned into my mother, who had struggled with her weight and other lifestyle diseases her entire adult life. When she passed away in 2015 from breast cancer, I knew that I had to make some serious changes in order to course-correct my own future and health.
In 2018, I decided to renew my health and health coaching certificates. This was a turning point in my health and career.
In 2019, I found the Ideal Protein weight loss protocol at a pharmacy where I was putting on workshops for One Saved Penny. The protocol was simple and effective. For the first time ever, it addressed my junk food and carb addictions from a nutritional point of view. Losing weight was easy, quick, and my body felt better than I had ever remembered. I could sleep, I woke up with energy, my brain fog disappeared, and I actually started feeling good about the reflection I saw in the mirror. By applying the tools I learned in my coaching courses, I was also able to deal with emotions, triggers, and habits, which created a true mind and body reset.
I became an Ideal Protein coach in 2019, and by 2020, I opened my own clinic. This has allowed me to bring it all together, which created the union of One Saved Penny and Ideal Protein with Penny.
Ideal Protein, based on years of scientific development, is a doctor-supervised, ketogenic-based protocol that focuses on preserving muscle mass while allowing your body to burn its own fat stores. You get to eat many of the vegetables and lean meats that you already love, while supplementing with our high-quality and delicious protein packets.
As your personal coach, I will educate, motivate, and keep you on track. We focus on you as an individual with your own specific needs. As your body is transforming through the Ideal Protein protocol, we are working behind the scenes to transform your habits, thoughts, stories, and most importantly, your future.
At Ideal Protein with Penny, I am with you every step of your journey. If you are ready to take the first step, all you have to do is call or text me at 402-826-9351. From there, we will schedule a free one-on-one consultation, where we go over the program in detail and answer all your questions to help you decide if this is the right program for you.
I am looking forward to your call!