Personal Growth

The Best Keto Meal Plan for Weight Loss

The ketogenic diet is one of the most effective ways to shed unwanted fat while maintaining energy and metabolic efficiency. If you are searching for the best keto meal plan for weight loss, you are at the right place. You need to choose the right meal plan that fits your lifestyle, dietary preferences, and fitness goals. At Ideal Protein with Pe …

February 25, 20250 comments
Personal Growth

The Best Day Planner for Setting and Achieving Goals

Who else loves searching for and finding the perfect planner? One of my favorite things about this time of year is that all of the new planners are released in stores and online. I typically spend 4-5 of my lunch hours looking at Target, Walmart, Michael’s, and online. It has to be the perfect size for me to tuck into my purse, but large enough for …

October 7, 2018
Personal Growth

The Day My Voice Was Stolen

For the last couple of years, I have really been starting to examine myself and why I have the beliefs I do, or why I act or think the way I do. Why am I a picky eater? Why am I afraid of heights? Why do I turn to food when I am happy, sad, lonely, bored, etc? Why am I afraid of the water? Why am I afraid to fly? While I am improving by leaps and b …

May 30, 2018
Personal Growth

The Day I Found Out I’m Old

Or at least getting older. Which, believe it or not, came as a huge surprise to me since I have always felt like I’m still in my twenties. If you ask my kids, they’ll say I act like it most of the time, too. There really isn’t anything I can’t do, and even though I weigh more than I should, I really have never had any physical restrictions. Until n …

April 5, 2018
Personal Growth

Is Customer Service Dead?

I have been at my workplace for 11 years now, and was with my previous employer for 7 years. And for the first time in those 18 years of employment, I got a tip. A crisp $5 bill. You probably don’t think that sounds like that big of a deal, right? But here’s the thing. I’m not in the typical service industry where one would actual …

March 8, 2018
Personal Growth

MONAT – The Business Opportunity

You all know how much I ❤️ MONAT products and what they have done for my hair and self-esteem. But what I don’t talk much about is what this company has done for me financially. It started with a salon manicure, paying off a few credit cards, getting myself some much needed new clothing, and a few weekend getaways. It has evolved into the ability t …

March 3, 2018
Personal Growth

My Fast Track to Financial Freedom and Great Hair

Today I want to share an opportunity with anyone who has been looking for that “something more”. A year ago, I was that person. I was praying every day for a sign from God to give me a nudge in the right direction, as I felt that I was stuck in the mediocre life I was living. I was working several jobs just to pay my bills, and it wasn& …

November 26, 2017
Personal Growth

The Other Side of Fear

The Other Side of Fear This last September, I faced a BIG fear of mine – driving in the mountains. Just to be clear, I’ve driven in the mountains before. However, I’ve done it on my own terms, at my own speed, and I’ve turned around to go back when I started to get uneasy and queasy. But this time, I was a passenger to a man who knows NO fear (aka B …

November 11, 2017
Personal Growth

The Day I Learned to Swim, In Water & In Life

Have you ever wanted to start something, but you just keep putting it off because you really don’t know where to begin? That would be me for the last couple of weeks. I created my  One Saved Penny Facebook page , but there have just been so many things going through my mind that made me feel paralyzed. ***You can also view this story, as told by …

October 8, 2017