Personal Growth – One Saved Penny Living With Intention Sat, 02 Mar 2019 00:52:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Best Day Planner for Setting and Achieving Goals Sun, 07 Oct 2018 20:45:47 +0000 Who else loves searching for and finding the perfect planner? One of my favorite things about this time of year is that all of the new planners are released in stores and online.

I typically spend 4-5 of my lunch hours looking at Target, Walmart, Michael’s, and online. It has to be the perfect size for me to tuck into my purse, but large enough for me to have plenty of room to write. It has to be cute and stylish. It must lay flat and the binding can’t be so big that I have to straddle my wrist over it to write on the left hand page. The cover must be durable. I love when they have inspirational messages, and stickers are a must!

As you can see, not just any old planner will do. I need the best planner for setting and achieving goals.

Well, about this time back in 2016, I came across a Facebook Ad for a company called Commit 30. I was first intrigued by the classy leather-look cover, but as I looked deeper into the concept behind this planner, I knew it was one that I had to try.

In a nutshell, the planner helps you focus on your 12 biggest goals, and then helps you break them down by month. Each day of that month, there are daily action steps that you check off when completed. Every day that you check off your daily action steps, the closer you get to achieving the monthly goal.

These are your own dreams, goals, and action steps, not just something that is already determined for you.

This is perfect for me, as I am not only a PLANNER junkie, but I am also a GOAL SETTING and CHECKLIST junkie, which is the entire basis of this planner. Since the planner was not to be released for another couple of months, the company offered printable sheets to get started during the last few months of the year. I ordered my planner and signed up for their free printables, which were delivered immediately by email as pdf files.

Within a few weeks of using the printables, I was in love with the layout and concept, so I went ahead and ordered 2 more planners. I ordered the two extras to give to two of my closest friends and accountability partners for Christmas. This was probably the most thoughtful and useful gift I have ever given, as both recipients dug right into theirs and posted on Facebook about how much they loved their gifts. We also had a couple of goal-setting dates in which we sat down together and brainstormed and shared ideas, as well as colored pens and stickers. Fun, fun, fun!

Ok, so the planner is cute, the right size, inspirational, and fits all of my requirements. There is also a place for a vision board, which I am a HUGE fan of creating, as well as lots of empty pages for notes, thoughts, and inspiration.

But let me tell you why I really think this is the best planner that money can buy . . . BECAUSE IT WORKS!

When I first received my planner, I immediately started filling in my 12 months of goals. They are categorized as below to help you start thinking in the right direction, but any of them can be altered to make them your own.

Physical Health
Mental Health

Pure Joy/Fun
Spiritual Health
Personal Growth

From here, each month you get to choose which category you will focus on for any given month, as well as develop your own action steps to achieve that particular goal.

Here is a sample of my January goal, which surprise, surprise, was to improve my physical health. More specifically, my goals were to improve my diet, improve my cardio health, and lose the stomach bloat and excess weight.

Action Steps:
1) Eliminate Junk Food and Reduce Dairy
2) Drink 80-100 ounces of pure water each day.
3) Walk on treadmill daily.
4) Use my dry sauna & use my FasciaBlaster 2 times per week.
5) Meditate for at least 15 minutes four times per week.
6) “Green Drink” daily.

Did I do all of these things, every single day? HaHaHa, no. I wish! But the days I was consistently checking off the boxes were also the days I was seeing the most results! I can only imagine how much faster I could have reached those goals had I stayed focused for the full 30 days.

This was the case for ALL my monthly goals. When I focused on my physical health, my physical health improved. When I became clear about what I was looking for in a relationship, the man of my dreams appeared out of nowhere. In 2017, I visited ALL the places that I had written in my adventure/travel circle, even though I had never shared those goals with anyone else. A business opportunity fell in my lap and I was able to pay off over $50,000 in debt.

What about the months that I completely slacked off and didn’t stay on top of filling out my goals and daily action steps? Well, my house is still not organized or completely decluttered, I still have not started a serious meditation practice, and I still do not send birthday cards to my friends and family in the mail.

Even though I did not complete these goals, I would still consider my year a HUGE success! And it’s not a total loss on these items anyway, as I will continue to bring them forward on my next planner until they are finished.

I’ve already ordered my 2019 Commit30 Planner, and I’m starting to think about my top goals and priorities for this next year. As the company states, Small Steps = Big Results. And that’s exactly what I am looking forward to achieving in 2019!


The Day My Voice Was Stolen Wed, 30 May 2018 18:33:01 +0000 For the last couple of years, I have really been starting to examine myself and why I have the beliefs I do, or why I act or think the way I do. Why am I a picky eater? Why am I afraid of heights? Why do I turn to food when I am happy, sad, lonely, bored, etc? Why am I afraid of the water? Why am I afraid to fly? While I am improving by leaps and bounds on several of these subjects, there is one that has taken some deeper digging.

Why am I afraid to speak my truth? Why am I afraid to speak up for myself and my feelings?

Well, let me tell you, I am pretty sure this one goes WAY back. I have recently been having some vivid memories from my childhood. I know some people may say it’s not possible to remember that far back, but I believe my first memory was from around 3 years old. I’ve been able to narrow the timeframe down, because in this particular memory, my family was still living in our trailer house in Friend, Nebraska. Here is a photo of me with my brother, Tim, who has Down Syndrome. We also have an older sister, a younger sister, and a younger brother. My mom really had her hands full!

So, here is what I recall. I was going through a phase of repeating everything people would say. EVERYTHING. I remember that I was sitting on the counter, or maybe the washing machine, while my mom was talking to her brother, my uncle. I was repeating everything he was saying without missing a beat. I can still remember him getting really angry (or at least pretending to be), leaning in close to my face, and hissing a threat at me if I continued to do it. I remember that in a moment, I went from being a giggly, care-free 3 year old to a sad, trembling-lipped, scared child. Now, I honestly have no recollection of what he said, but I imagine that it was something to the effect of, “If you don’t stop that right now, I’m going to take you out in the country and leave you there by yourself.”

I realize that’s a pretty specific guess, but here’s why I feel that may have been the case – After that, ALL of my childhood memories were of crying and being afraid. Afraid of being deserted by my mom, and scared of absolutely everything. I cried daily out of fear of being stranded. Even when she took me to my grandparent’s home when she was going to the hospital to deliver my sister, and later, my youngest brother, I was terrified she was never going to come back. I couldn’t even go with my older sister for a walk down the block from our friends’ house without ending up crying, because she would get a few too many steps ahead of me and I didn’t know the way back home.

Kindergarten was pure hell. For me, my mom, and my teacher. Every day, my mom would take me to school, and the tears would begin. I just knew she was never coming back for me. If I would finally settle down, the slightest thing would set me off again and the tears would be rolling. And when the day would finally come to an end, I would go outside the classroom and immediately start crying again if I didn’t see her at first glance. I can remember those feelings of desertion as if it happened this morning , and it still brings tears to my eyes to type this out today.

There came a point in time where my mom started to wean me. And I can’t blame her one bit. After all, she had my brother, who has Down’s Syndrome, my younger sister, and my baby brother at home while I was in kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade. She started by meeting me a block away from the school, then two blocks, then three. But when it came to the point of me having to turn North to get the rest of the way home (which was another 2 blocks), I froze up and couldn’t do it. I was afraid of the dogs I would have to pass on the way or I was afraid that I would get lost. My mom eventually recruited a couple of my classmates and their parents to either drive me or walk me the rest of the way home. When walking, I would have like a half of a block to go on my own, and even then, I was scared I would come home to an empty house.

This fear went on for years. I was afraid to go to swimming lessons, I was afraid of dogs, I was afraid to be alone in the house. I was afraid of getting lost or left behind, I was afraid we’d lose our car after taking the canoe down the river, I was afraid we’d die and rot on the country road when we got stuck. I was afraid to go to camp or to another church’s bible school. If there was any chance of me having to do something on my own, I was afraid of it.

The one thing that sticks out the most to me in this whole story, is that I also lost my ability to speak. I don’t mean that I could no longer physically speak. I mean that I was afraid to ask for help, or to verbalize my fears, or to communicate my needs. I would just fall apart in tears. It makes me so sad to think of myself as that little girl who was afraid to do or say anything out of fear of being disposed of. As I got older, it became less and less acceptable to cry in public. So instead, I did nothing. I didn’t even stand up for myself when needed. I would outwardly ignore the problem, internally worry about it, all the while hoping that it would just go away. This is basically how I have handled life ever since. Here are just a few examples:

When a friend would say or do something hurtful, or compromise my trust, I would say nothing and just forgive her. I was too afraid to confront her. After all, she might decide to hate me and never be my friend again.

When my husband (now ex-husband) was raking in the dough at his new job and paying off his own bills left and right, I kept quiet while working 3 jobs and still barely making it. Instead of talking to him about it, I silently resented him, more and more every day. I was afraid to tell him how much debt I was in out of fear of being rejected or ridiculed, or worse yet, kicked to the curb.

After my divorce, I started learning how to speak my truth. But as soon as I started dating again, if there was any type of conflict, my then boyfriend, also newly divorced, would say, “This is exactly why I didn’t want to get into another relationship.” And because I was so afraid of losing him, I would just go along with him and be agreeable, no matter how disrespected or wrongfully accused I was. Looking back, I know now that this was an unhealthy relationship. And I don’t excuse him for manipulating me like that. However, I also know that people will get away with whatever you allow them to, so I take full responsibility for letting it happen in the first place.

When my ex-boss would threaten my job if I challenged him in any way, I would sink back down and shut my mouth. After all, I really needed that job, no matter how he or it made me feel.

Yes, this really is how my internal dialogue sounded. I know it’s sick and wrong and sad. But it was how I talked to myself on a daily basis in order to just get by without being left, deserted, or disliked. And all of this because my a-hole of an uncle couldn’t let a child be a child, and didn’t know how to effectively communicate with her. I only wish I could have made this discovery and connection long ago. Going forward, I know now that it is crazy to think that someone who truly cares about me would be so shallow as to not let me speak my mind, my opinions, or my truth. Every day, I am practicing using my voice. And every day, I somehow survive. I have found that when I speak my truth, I actually feel more understood and respected than ever before. What a concept!

So here’s the deal. Children need to feel loved, reassured, and safe. The way we talk to our children now will dictate the adults they become. I also speak about this in my entry called “Your Seven Year Old Self”, and in a live video, titled the same, on my Facebook page, One Saved Penny. Can kids be annoying like I was so many years ago? YES! But are there at least 10 other ways that situation could have been handled without destroying my ability to be a happy and successful child? Absolutely.

The way we are talked to as children translates into how we talk to ourselves. Look at that photo above again. Now imagine how different that little girl’s life may have been with a little love, patience, and tolerance. Please remember that next time you are losing your patience and say something harsh to another human, especially a child. You really can change a child’s life, so let’s make sure it is for the better!

The Day I Found Out I’m Old Thu, 05 Apr 2018 23:32:13 +0000 Or at least getting older. Which, believe it or not, came as a huge surprise to me since I have always felt like I’m still in my twenties. If you ask my kids, they’ll say I act like it most of the time, too. There really isn’t anything I can’t do, and even though I weigh more than I should, I really have never had any physical restrictions. Until now. Here’s what happened.

A few days ago, I went to the eye doctor to see about getting a new prescription for contacts. I haven’t had to wear contacts for 16 years after having Lasik surgery when I was 28 years old. When I had the Lasik, the doctor warned me that around age 40, our eyes start to degenerate, and I would likely need a touch-up at that time. I was lucky that my eyes held their perfect vision for 15 years. However, last year I started to notice that my distance eyesight was starting to get pretty blurry. I made myself an appointment to see what a “touch up” would entail. Let me tell you, I walked out of that office knowing that I wasn’t willing to do what they wanted me to do. Without going into the gory details, a touch-up is WAY more invasive than the original Lasik procedure. And of course, no guarantees.

So, I broke down and made myself an eye appointment with my optometrist. I walked out with a new pair of glasses that I could use for driving and sports spectating. I really didn’t need them for anything else at that time. Fast forward 11 months, and now I am becoming very dependent on my glasses. As in, I can barely see at distances without them. But on top of that, I’ve been finding myself struggling to read the labels on my make-up, supplements, and food labels. Ughhhhhhh. So off I went to another eye appointment.

I found myself sitting in the chair waiting for the doctor, trying to convince myself that I will do fine with full-time glasses and contacts even though I despised them before – I mean, come on, it wasn’t that long ago that I had spent $5000 just to get rid of them. And then I think back to elementary school, when the entire class almost fell off their chairs in disbelief and laughter after a fellow classmate was moved two feet in front of the eye chart and still could not read anything under the letter E. Kids can be such a-holes. My mind continues to wander and wonder how we all made it through high school.

A young girl walks in and introduces herself as the doctor. Ummmmm, excuse me? She literally looks like she is 22 years old. But she’s nice and has great hair (it takes everything in me not to ask her if she uses MONAT), so I tell her what is going on with my vision. And boy does she love to talk. Chatter, chatter, chatter, bifocals, chatter, chatter, chatter. Ummmmm, what?!?! It was almost like she knew she was about to punch me in the face, so she thought she’d cover it with kisses first. Nice try, little girl, but I heard that dreaded word loud and clear. She continued to talk endlessly about how our eyes start to fail us in our early forties and so on. I honestly stopped listening. Even after popping in my trial contact lenses, all I could think about was that I was going to have to wear (GULP) bifocals. I somehow ended up at the front of the store with someone explaining all the different options. Blaine sent me a text asking how my eye appointment went, and I almost started crying when I typed out the response, “Welp. I am not happy.” $454 later (and I’m even re-using my old frames!), I sat in my car, staring at my hands, feeling sorry for myself. But mostly, I felt old. Damn you, old eyes!

And that’s when it hits me. The late Louise Hay pops into my head, and I can see and hear her saying that it’s time to do some “mirror work”. For those of you who don’t know, that means standing in front of a mirror and thanking yourself and/or your body parts for the amazing things they are capable of doing every day. Even the broken, old, disabled, ugly, and failing parts. So, I try it – “Thank you, eyes, for allowing me to see all the colors, shapes, faces, textures, depths, ocean waves, buildings, sunsets, my food (so I can pick out the onions), my family, my pets, for allowing me to walk down the street unassisted, for allowing me to drive, and to pick out my own clothes and put on my own make-up every day. I’m not blind. I can see, and with the new glasses, I will be able to see even better. And while I may be getting older, there are far too many people my age who are not given that same opportunity. I should be celebrating every day I am allowed to live this life, with or without my fuzzy vision.”

Wow! Louise Hay just might have been on to something!

Suddenly, getting bifocals and getting older doesn’t seem like such a bad thing at all!

Is Customer Service Dead? Fri, 09 Mar 2018 00:40:25 +0000 I have been at my workplace for 11 years now, and was with my previous employer for 7 years. And for the first time in those 18 years of employment, I got a tip. A crisp $5 bill. You probably don’t think that sounds like that big of a deal, right? But here’s the thing. I’m not in the typical service industry where one would actually earn, and certainly not expect, a tip. I work in a Chiropractic office.

So, here’s what happened. There’s this patient who I will call Larry. Larry is an older gentleman who came to us for sciatic nerve pain, which was causing him to have trouble walking, sitting, sleeping, and standing without an intense pain shooting down his buttocks and the backs of his legs. During his visits to our office, Larry found that he was getting some relief when laying on his back with his knees propped up with a bolster pillow. He asked me if I could find one EXACTLY like ours to order for his home use. He wanted the same circumference, length, foam density, and vinyl. Well, the doctor I work for has been in practice for almost 20 years, and I was pretty sure our bolster was about that old as well. I looked online for about 10-15 minutes before reporting back to Larry that I couldn’t find one and would have to do a more detailed search outside of our regular patient hours.

A little later that day, we did end up finding one that was VERY SIMILAR, so I went ahead and ordered it, called his wife, and let them know we’d call as soon as it arrived. It was delivered a few days later, so my co-worker, Kay, called to let them know it was in.

A few hours later, Kay came back to my office with a $5 bill in her hand and announced that Larry had left me this cash as a token of his appreciation for all my “hard work”. I told Kay to give it back to him and tell him I couldn’t take it as I was just doing my job, but she said that he had insisted, and besides, he had already left the office.

Since then, this has really gotten me to thinking about the society we live in right now. And I feel pretty confident that the answer to my first question, “Is Customer Service Dead?”, is YES. It makes me think of the many times I have gone through a checkout line when I’m not greeted, nobody makes eye contact, and they don’t even say thank you when you pay and leave. You can walk into any store and find the help bent over the counters looking at their phones, and they don’t even acknowledge that you’ve walked in. At the bank I frequent every two weeks, the tellers at the drive-through don’t even say anything to me until I’ve already sent the money across. Finally, they’ll ask, “what are we doing with this?” I want to say, “Oh, I’m actually having a really good day, thanks for asking”, but apparently I’m not big enough of a jerk to pull it off.

So here I am, months later, still holding on to this $5 bill. I find it so sad that Larry has come to expect mediocrity from the workforce, so much so that he thought he needed to tip me for being such an “outstanding employee”. I haven’t decided exactly how to spend it yet, but I’m considering going against my own policy and buying a $5 greeting card to send to him. Or maybe I will save it to give to someone else who goes above and beyond for me. What I did decide to do for now is to pay it forward by giving a few tips of my own.

1) When you borrow something, return it in even better condition than when you got it. Borrowed a car? Fill the gas tank upon return. Borrowed $10? Give back $11. Or give it back wrapped around that person’s favorite drink. Something simple.

2) Hold the door for anyone behind you or coming from the other direction. It doesn’t matter how old, male or female, special needs or not, or if there is one person or 10 people. Hold the door and smile. If you are lucky enough to get a thank you (don’t hold your breath), give them back a “You’re Welcome” or “My Pleasure” or “No Problem”!

3) If someone holds the door for you, smile, say THANK YOU, and mean it.

4) Help people when they need it, whether they ask for it or not. Do it because you are a good person, not because you expect anything in return.

5) Make eye contact and smile at everyone who returns that eye contact.

6) Compliment strangers, but only when it is sincere.

7) Listen – NO, REALLY LISTEN – to people when they are talking to you.

8) The people in front of you always trump the people who are texting you, calling you, messaging you, or anything else that pops up on your phone screen. For the love of Peter, put your phone away.

9) Go above and beyond for people, especially when that is the job you are being paid to do. People have plenty of choices that allow them to take their business elsewhere. And trust me, they will do just that!

I know that most, if not all of the people who will read this are not the ones at fault. But maybe if a few people share it, and then those people share it, and so on, we can make a positive impact. It’s kind of like network marketing, except instead of selling goods, we are reminding people how to be a good employee and a decent human.

Until, next time, go be nice to strangers!


MONAT – The Business Opportunity Sun, 04 Mar 2018 00:48:26 +0000 You all know how much I ❤ MONAT products and what they have done for my hair and self-esteem. But what I don’t talk much about is what this company has done for me financially. It started with a salon manicure, paying off a few credit cards, getting myself some much needed new clothing, and a few weekend getaways. It has evolved into the ability to do pretty much anything I want, paying off ALL my debt except for my house (which is now on an accelerated payoff plan). While this is all very exciting to me, nothing beats the feeling of FREEDOM. Debt has a way of pinning you down and can feel like an elephant sitting on your chest. You fear everything . . . car troubles, a broken bone, a vet bill, losing your job, running out of money before the end of the month, Christmas, and even your kids’ birthdays. This newfound feeling of time and money freedom is truly indescribable. It’s a feeling I want to share with the people I care about.

Today, I want to share this earnings graphic.


Yes, the numbers are an average, but in many cases, including my own, those averages fall on the low side! What would you do with an extra $50, $500, $5000, $25,000 per month? And what would you be willing to do to earn that kind of extra income? People are surprised when I tell them how little time I actually spend in relationship to the extra monthly income I make.

I do realize that this business is not for everyone. I hear different reasons and objections as to why people are not willing to take a look at this business. Here is a list of the most common ones. Do any of these sound familiar to you?

?”I don’t have time”. I have personally built my entire business on 2-3 hours a week over the last year, and those aren’t even consecutive hours! It’s posting the specials and some before and after photos on Facebook, which most people are already spending their time on anyway. It’s mailing out samples and following up with a message a week later to see how the recipient liked them. It’s spending a Saturday afternoon with your new best friends at a training. I literally built my entire business on Facebook.

?“I’m not good at sales”. YAY!!! That tells me you are going to be great at this business! People don’t buy from “good sales people”. They buy from people they know, like, and trust. You are simply sharing the opportunity to try the products and take a look at the different levels of purchasing them. If they are interested, you help them get started. If not, no big deal!

?“I don’t know anything about hair products”. You don’t have to! Who knows their hair better than the person wearing it? Nobody. Let them decide what they want, need, or what their main goal is for their hair. There is a 30-day money back guarantee, so even if they don’t love their first choice, they can trade it in for another choice. And there are product specialists just a phone call away to help with the process if you or your customer needs additional help.

?“It costs too much to get in the door.” $299 is the minimum investment to get in. That investment gets you free training, a free website, and you get $495 worth of full sized products that you can either keep, share, or sell for an immediate profit. It also comes with a ton of samples and brochures that makes it easy to share the products with friends and family.

?”How much am I required to spend or sell every month or year?” Zero. You don’t even need to carry any inventory, as your customers will just get online to order and pay for their own products, which are shipped right to their door. I personally like to keep some products on hand for those people who just are not comfortable placing orders online. Plus, I enjoy making the deliveries and having the face to face conversations. But that is my preference, and is in no way required.

?“I don’t know enough people.” It’s not just about who you know. It’s also about who they know! My team spans the entire United States, and I only know about 10% of them. With today’s social networking platforms, distance is truly irrelevant.

?“I don’t know what to say or do.” That’s what I’m here for! Not to mention the free online training.

?”Everyone is already buying it from someone else.” False. While it is gaining popularity and momentum, there are still people who I talk to every day who have never heard of it. Or maybe they’ve heard of it, but still haven’t had a chance to try it. Trust me, the market is far from saturated, no matter where you live.

?“I saw a negative review on Facebook”. There are over 500,000 documented people in the United States and Canada who are using, loving, and re-ordering these products! So, you saw a bad review? It happens. Not everyone is going to love it. Most do, but there are some who do not. I would never ask you to share or promote a product that you do not love and believe in. Side note: We just expanded to the United Kingdom, where there are 1300 banned chemicals (the US only has 11), and MONAT did not have to change their formulation whatsoever in order to meet those standards.

?“I don’t like the direct sales model.” This one actually hurts my feelings to know that a friend or family member is more comfortable with giving their money, trust, and business to the big box stores for mediocre to average products, or even to go online to save a couple of bucks, especially when they know how passionate I am about the company and products.

Again, I realize this opportunity is not for everyone. But if it’s something you’ve been considering, I would love to talk to you more to answer any remaining questions or concerns. And as always, I promise there is no pressure or expectations. You can ask me anything! I truly love sharing about the business and the products, and what they have done for me and the people I care about!


My Fast Track to Financial Freedom and Great Hair Sun, 26 Nov 2017 21:18:40 +0000 Today I want to share an opportunity with anyone who has been looking for that “something more”. A year ago, I was that person. I was praying every day for a sign from God to give me a nudge in the right direction, as I felt that I was stuck in the mediocre life I was living. I was working several jobs just to pay my bills, and it wasn’t uncommon that I was out of money days before my next paycheck came in. The things that I once found so much passion with were now feeling unfulfilling to me. After being single for many years, I had given up on ever finding the “right man”, and even my friendships were a struggle to keep afloat. My kids were growing up and starting to live their own lives, which made me feel even more sad and alone.

After about a month of praying, and finally just “giving it to God”, as they say, I received my sign! It came in the form of a lunch with my sister, where I could clearly see that she was looking happier, healthier, and more confident than I had seen her in a very long time. Even her hair was shiny and vibrant, a direct reflection of her attitude that day. I finally asked her about what was going on with her, and she told me with much enthusiasm about a new natural-based, anti-aging hair care line she was using. My lifeless, breaking, dull, and thinning hair was also a direct reflection of how I was feeling on the inside as well, so I figured I had nothing to lose by trying some samples.

As many of you know, my results with this product were off the chart. (If you don’t know, check out my before and after photo!)

Even though it was December, and I was flat broke, there was something inside me telling me to take the leap. I justified my decision to join this company by telling myself that even if I never sold any product, I would have enough products to last me for many years. Plus, it was the only thing I had ever used that actually worked! So, with those justifications in place, I went against my own rule and put the biggest package available for purchase on my last credit card that had any available credit.

A month after starting the products, I finally decided to go public with my results. It was so far out of my comfort zone to take and post my selfies and story, and I lamented over doing it for several days before I finally sent everything to my sister so she could pull that trigger for me. But once I put myself out there, everything changed! It was a matter of minutes and my phone started blowing up with people asking me about the products, if I thought it would work for them, and how they could try it too. There were people who I haven’t talked to in years, people who I thought had perfect lives and perfect hair, and even people I didn’t think really even liked me who were now reaching out for help! The best part was that I’ve never had to actually sell anything. It is simply a matter of sharing the products and my personal results, and letting the products sell themselves.

Fast forward to now . . . I barely recognize the person I was a year ago. And I’m not just talking about my hair! I have new and renewed friendships that have been a direct result of this opportunity and my new-found confidence. Since last January, I have paid off $36,300 in debt by refinancing my home at a lower interest rate, selling a vehicle that was no longer being used, and by putting all of my extra Monat income towards my debt (using Dave Ramsey’s debt snowball plan). I feel like my life purpose has been renewed by helping others to find their own “something more”.

For anyone who is interested in learning more about this opportunity, please ask any questions or feel free to send me a private message. And for anyone wanting to try free samples of my products, I would also welcome you to send me a comment or a private message as well.

If you’ve made it all the way to the end of this long post, then maybe this is YOUR sign!

Thanks to all of you for all your support and friendship,


The Other Side of Fear Sat, 11 Nov 2017 21:45:08 +0000 The Other Side of Fear

This last September, I faced a BIG fear of mine – driving in the mountains. Just to be clear, I’ve driven in the mountains before. However, I’ve done it on my own terms, at my own speed, and I’ve turned around to go back when I started to get uneasy and queasy. But this time, I was a passenger to a man who knows NO fear (aka Blaine).

We had been looking forward to this trip to Steamboat Springs, Colorado for a long time, and had picked out several “must do” activities during our stay. One of the items on our list of things to do while there was to visit the Strawberry Park Hot Springs. The park has several hot mineral springs that are approximately 104 degrees in temperature, and surrounded by a forest. He assured me that it would be something I would really love. I thought it sounded amazing and couldn’t wait to go. However, what he didn’t tell me was that the springs were located up the mountain, on low-maintenance roads, and only 4-wheel drive vehicles were allowed to make the trek to the Springs.

As we were climbing in elevation, there were several times that I almost chickened out and asked to go back into town. There were times that the road was so steep that I could no longer see it over the hood of the truck. And if another car happened to be going down at the same time as we were going up, there was a very small amount of space to pull over to let the other get past. My stomach was in knots the entire time. My fists and armpits were full of sweat. If Blaine would try to look at the scenery, or over at me to make sure I was ok, or reach over to comfort me, I would yell at him to keep his hands on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road. He was so good to me. He knew I was scared to death, so he drove extra slow, pulled off to the side a few times, and made sure that he didn’t go even one half of a mile over the posted speed limits. Even so, I was still scared to death.

When we finally reached our destination, my legs were weak and I felt pure exhaustion. It was even a challenge for me to walk my rubbery legs down the hill to the changing rooms. But as soon as I saw the Springs, all of those fears were forgotten. I’ve attached the video of the Springs, but no video or words can even begin to do explain how beautiful, relaxing, and peaceful it was. Even with other people enjoying the Springs, I felt that we were in our own little world. We immediately got into the water, and I honestly forgot about everything else. After soaking for a couple of hours, we climbed back into the truck to make our way back down the mountain. I’m not going to say I wasn’t still nervous and scared of the drive back down, but it was nothing in comparison the ride there.

On our drive back home a few days later, we talked about all the things we had done while on our trip. Interestingly, the trip to the Springs was my favorite experience. It was certainly not something I would have done in the past. It does make me feel regretful that I have missed out on so many amazing experiences due to my many fears, but also, so very thankful to have found someone I can trust and who seems to have limitless understanding and patience with me.

While I cannot change the things I’ve missed out on in the past, my goal going forward is to acknowledge my unfounded fears and take them on like my life depends on it. Because nobody goes to their grave saying, “I’m glad I played it safe.”

The Day I Learned to Swim, In Water & In Life Mon, 09 Oct 2017 01:22:38 +0000 http:/?p=1 Have you ever wanted to start something, but you just keep putting it off because you really don’t know where to begin? That would be me for the last couple of weeks. I created my One Saved Penny Facebook page, but there have just been so many things going through my mind that made me feel paralyzed.

***You can also view this story, as told by me, on my Facebook Live video, entitled “The Day I Learned to Swim”, which I’ve attached at the bottom of this post.

So anyway, I finally just decided to jump in. I thought I’d start by talking about the picture I chose for my cover photo on the One Saved Penny Facebook page. It’s actually a really interesting choice for me, given that I really don’t even like this photo very much.


When I look at it, I don’t feel beautiful. It doesn’t make me feel particularly happy. So why would I choose this photo as the center of my new page? Well, the day this photo was taken also happened to be a very important day of my life.

Let me take you back to August of 2016. During this time, I really felt that my life was falling apart. Across the board, I was at an all-time low. My relationships, or rather, lack of relationships, friendships, my finances, my health, my career, my general feeling of self-worth, basically my entire life felt like it was taking a dive into the deep abyss. I decided at one point that I needed to get away, to get back to my happy place, Daytona Beach. One day, I just decided that we were going to take a vacation. I asked my kids if they wanted to go, and obviously they did. I asked my boss, and even though it was only three weeks notice, he agreed to let me take the time off. Looking back, I’m sure he realized that it was also in his best interest to let me go, as I was pretty worthless at that time.

After making some phone calls, I found an airline that would get the three of us to and from Daytona Beach for a mere $100 per person, each way. Maybe this is standard for some of you travelers, but for me, this was an unbelievable find. I also found a rental car for something insanely affordable, like less than $25 per day. I contacted the condo owner where we had stayed in the past. Not only did he have our exact beach-front unit available, but it was only $56 per night! Although the entire trip was very affordable, it was still a big stretch for my budget. At this point, I was thinking to myself that we had no choice but to go. So I reached into my wallet, pulled out my shiny red Visa card, and booked all of it.

The moment we arrived, we threw on our swimsuits, took the elevator down, and ran straight out the back door to the beach and ocean. I was in the water up to my waist, just standing and looking around at the scenery. I turned to look back at the condo behind us as the sun was beginning to set behind the building. It was truly beautiful and peaceful. But suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a huge wave rolled in behind me and took me down and into the water. It literally knocked the wind out of me, and I jammed my finger on the ocean floor. I felt like I was going to lose my sunglasses right off my face, and I remember holding onto my phone for dear life. It felt like I was under water for an eternity, when in reality, it was probably just a few seconds. When I came up, my nose, eyes, and throat were burning from the salt water. I was sputtering and staggering all over the place. To make matters worse, when I finally looked back over my shoulder, there were my two kids, barely able to stay above the water themselves as they were laughing so hard at me. I can’t blame them. To them, it was funny. I was in shallow water and it wasn’t a big deal at all. But what most people don’t realize is that when you don’t know how to swim, even those few moments of lost control is absolutely terrifying.

After regaining my composure, I stayed on the beach while my kids played in the water a bit longer. We then agreed it was time to go back up to the pool. I let them get in while I went back up to the room to get water, snacks, and pool floats (you can never be too careful, you know!) I had all of our goodies stacked in my arms when I got back on the elevator. There were two older women who were also riding down, and one of them was teasing me a little bit about my arm load of pool floats. I’m pretty sure she thought they were for my kids, but for reasons I cannot explain, I came clean and told a complete stranger that I couldn’t swim and about what had happened earlier. Her response to me was, “That is perfectly unacceptable, and today, you are going to learn to swim.” Ummmmm . . . . Ok. I mean, she really didn’t give me a choice, and I didn’t try to put up a fight. I really do not have an explanation for any of it. This was a complete stranger, and I never even got the woman’s name. In my head, after the fact, I have named her Janice. She really reminded me of the old burnout supermodel, Janice Dickinson (before the Botox and botched plastic surgery – see below). Just a normal person, who happened to have been a beach lifeguard for 40 years. She had nothing else going on that day, so she reconfirmed that she was going to teach me how to swim.


As soon as we got back to the pool patio, we dumped all of our belongings, and got into the pool at about the 5 foot level. We were hanging out and chatting in the water for a few minutes when I glanced over and saw both of my kids looking at me with complete confusion on their faces. No doubt, they were wondering what in the hell was going on with their mother, as they both knew well from experience that 1) mom doesn’t get into the pool without her floats, and 2) she doesn’t talk to random strangers. At that moment, I had to completely detach myself and give Janice my full attention and let the rest of the world disappear.

You guys, she was so good. Every time I made an excuse as to why I was afraid, or why I couldn’t swim, she just said, “That’s not real. You’ve made all this up in your head. Nobody would have told you that. Where did you even get these crazy ideas?” For instance, I told her that I couldn’t put my face in the water because I couldn’t form a seal to keep the water from getting into my nose and throat. She was so confused by my excuses and basically told me that I was making things way harder than they needed to be. She explained to me that nobody “makes a seal”, but they just simply close their mouth and do not inhale while they are under the water. Huh. She gave me lots of other pointers, and by the end of the day I was swimming! Was it pretty? No. Was it perfect? No. But was I swimming in the deep end? YES!

Looking back, I know I didn’t realize at that time what an impact Janice was making on my life. It wasn’t just about swimming either. I mean, it’s pretty embarrassing when you are the only adult on the boat wearing a life jacket. (For the record, I still wear a life jacket on boats, because you just never know what could happen. Maybe one day I will graduate out of the life jacket.) Anyway – she basically told me some things I have been looking back at over the last year, and I’ve realized that maybe she wasn’t just teaching me how to swim in the water, but also how to keep my head above the water when I felt like I was drowning on a daily basis. As soon as we got home, I made a list of some of the things she said to me that day while she was teaching me to swim:

  1. Don’t think about it. Just decide to do it and then do it. So basically, everything I’ve been doing all these years – making excuses and talking myself out of doing things – was squelched with this one simple piece of advice. I might also add that this was what made me decide to jump in and write this first post!
  2. Don’t make things more difficult than they need to be. Pretty sure I was the master at this.
  3. Ask for help when you need it. Or in this case, accept help when it is offered to you.
  4. Get a cheering section who will make you feel like you can do anything. Looking back, I can see now how proud my kids were when I took that first swim across the deep end of the pool. Jacob even took a video so we could send it to my sister. I still smile when I see that video on my phone!
  5. It doesn’t have to look perfect or fancy. Just do it.
  6. Relax and breathe to keep your head above the water. Duh, right? But yeah, I guess I didn’t know that and I was definitely not doing it in regular life either. Instead, I felt anxiety and panic, and a general feeling of drowning in my daily life.
  7. Look at the sky and just relax, breathe, and look at how beautiful it is.

Let me tell you that I have used that advice, ALL of that advice, ever since that day. It was the advice that led me to form One Saved Penny. It’s the advice that helped me see the way my negative thoughts and excuses were ruining my life. And it’s the advice that changed my life for the better. It’s the reason for the cover photo I chose for the Facebook page. And it’s the reason I want to share my experiences and struggles and learning moments with others. I hope you’ll all jump in the deep end with me and paddle around for a bit!

