Today is a new day.

I have been talking to my boyfriend’s daughter about her recent weight loss and new lifestyle plan. Her mother became involved with a program through her workplace and has lost around 30 pounds so far. So obviously, when Blake decided she was ready to embark on her own journey, she jumped on board with her mom. It’s only been about two months and she is down 20 pounds herself! I have been texting her almost daily asking her for tips and tidbits. Everything she is telling me are things I already know, but have failed to put into practice. In fact, the tips and tricks are very much in alignment with a book I listened to on Audiobook over a year ago, called “The Thin Woman’s Brain”. The book explains why we have cravings, why we can lose weight and then gain it right back, and why willpower is bullshit. And it explains step by step how you can re-wire your brain to enable you to eat like a naturally thin person. I plan to re-listen to that book during my daily commutes for some extra reinforcement.

Right now, I am committing to:

1) Documenting everything I eat for the next 7 days.

2) Walking no less than 10,000 steps per day, which I can track on my Fitbit.

3) Eating only when I have physical hunger.

4) Eliminating soda and junk food.

I figure that these will be a good start to get things (such as the scale) moving in the right direction. And I love that I have someone to touch base with, share my frustrations with, and for when I need some back-up or a pep talk!


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