excuses – One Saved Penny https://onesavedpenny.com Living With Intention Sun, 24 Feb 2019 00:10:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 MONAT – The Business Opportunity https://onesavedpenny.com/monat-the-business-opportunity/ Sun, 04 Mar 2018 00:48:26 +0000 https://onesavedpenny.com/?p=145 You all know how much I ❤ MONAT products and what they have done for my hair and self-esteem. But what I don’t talk much about is what this company has done for me financially. It started with a salon manicure, paying off a few credit cards, getting myself some much needed new clothing, and a few weekend getaways. It has evolved into the ability to do pretty much anything I want, paying off ALL my debt except for my house (which is now on an accelerated payoff plan). While this is all very exciting to me, nothing beats the feeling of FREEDOM. Debt has a way of pinning you down and can feel like an elephant sitting on your chest. You fear everything . . . car troubles, a broken bone, a vet bill, losing your job, running out of money before the end of the month, Christmas, and even your kids’ birthdays. This newfound feeling of time and money freedom is truly indescribable. It’s a feeling I want to share with the people I care about.

Today, I want to share this earnings graphic.


Yes, the numbers are an average, but in many cases, including my own, those averages fall on the low side! What would you do with an extra $50, $500, $5000, $25,000 per month? And what would you be willing to do to earn that kind of extra income? People are surprised when I tell them how little time I actually spend in relationship to the extra monthly income I make.

I do realize that this business is not for everyone. I hear different reasons and objections as to why people are not willing to take a look at this business. Here is a list of the most common ones. Do any of these sound familiar to you?

?”I don’t have time”. I have personally built my entire business on 2-3 hours a week over the last year, and those aren’t even consecutive hours! It’s posting the specials and some before and after photos on Facebook, which most people are already spending their time on anyway. It’s mailing out samples and following up with a message a week later to see how the recipient liked them. It’s spending a Saturday afternoon with your new best friends at a training. I literally built my entire business on Facebook.

?“I’m not good at sales”. YAY!!! That tells me you are going to be great at this business! People don’t buy from “good sales people”. They buy from people they know, like, and trust. You are simply sharing the opportunity to try the products and take a look at the different levels of purchasing them. If they are interested, you help them get started. If not, no big deal!

?“I don’t know anything about hair products”. You don’t have to! Who knows their hair better than the person wearing it? Nobody. Let them decide what they want, need, or what their main goal is for their hair. There is a 30-day money back guarantee, so even if they don’t love their first choice, they can trade it in for another choice. And there are product specialists just a phone call away to help with the process if you or your customer needs additional help.

?“It costs too much to get in the door.” $299 is the minimum investment to get in. That investment gets you free training, a free website, and you get $495 worth of full sized products that you can either keep, share, or sell for an immediate profit. It also comes with a ton of samples and brochures that makes it easy to share the products with friends and family.

?”How much am I required to spend or sell every month or year?” Zero. You don’t even need to carry any inventory, as your customers will just get online to order and pay for their own products, which are shipped right to their door. I personally like to keep some products on hand for those people who just are not comfortable placing orders online. Plus, I enjoy making the deliveries and having the face to face conversations. But that is my preference, and is in no way required.

?“I don’t know enough people.” It’s not just about who you know. It’s also about who they know! My team spans the entire United States, and I only know about 10% of them. With today’s social networking platforms, distance is truly irrelevant.

?“I don’t know what to say or do.” That’s what I’m here for! Not to mention the free online training.

?”Everyone is already buying it from someone else.” False. While it is gaining popularity and momentum, there are still people who I talk to every day who have never heard of it. Or maybe they’ve heard of it, but still haven’t had a chance to try it. Trust me, the market is far from saturated, no matter where you live.

?“I saw a negative review on Facebook”. There are over 500,000 documented people in the United States and Canada who are using, loving, and re-ordering these products! So, you saw a bad review? It happens. Not everyone is going to love it. Most do, but there are some who do not. I would never ask you to share or promote a product that you do not love and believe in. Side note: We just expanded to the United Kingdom, where there are 1300 banned chemicals (the US only has 11), and MONAT did not have to change their formulation whatsoever in order to meet those standards.

?“I don’t like the direct sales model.” This one actually hurts my feelings to know that a friend or family member is more comfortable with giving their money, trust, and business to the big box stores for mediocre to average products, or even to go online to save a couple of bucks, especially when they know how passionate I am about the company and products.

Again, I realize this opportunity is not for everyone. But if it’s something you’ve been considering, I would love to talk to you more to answer any remaining questions or concerns. And as always, I promise there is no pressure or expectations. You can ask me anything! I truly love sharing about the business and the products, and what they have done for me and the people I care about!

