Personal Growth

The Day My Voice Was Stolen

For the last couple of years, I have really been starting to examine myself and why I have the beliefs I do, or why I act or think the way I do. Why am I a picky eater? Why am I afraid of heights? Why do I turn to food when I am happy, sad, lonely, bored, etc? Why am I afraid of the water? Why am I afraid to fly? While I am improving by leaps and b …

May 30, 2018
Personal Growth

The Other Side of Fear

The Other Side of Fear This last September, I faced a BIG fear of mine – driving in the mountains. Just to be clear, I’ve driven in the mountains before. However, I’ve done it on my own terms, at my own speed, and I’ve turned around to go back when I started to get uneasy and queasy. But this time, I was a passenger to a man who knows NO fear (aka B …

November 11, 2017
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