weight loss – One Saved Penny https://onesavedpenny.com Living With Intention Sat, 23 Feb 2019 23:49:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 It’s a New Day! https://onesavedpenny.com/its-a-new-day/ Mon, 30 Jul 2018 22:53:27 +0000 https://onesavedpenny.com/?p=79 Today is a new day.

I have been talking to my boyfriend’s daughter about her recent weight loss and new lifestyle plan. Her mother became involved with a program through her workplace and has lost around 30 pounds so far. So obviously, when Blake decided she was ready to embark on her own journey, she jumped on board with her mom. It’s only been about two months and she is down 20 pounds herself! I have been texting her almost daily asking her for tips and tidbits. Everything she is telling me are things I already know, but have failed to put into practice. In fact, the tips and tricks are very much in alignment with a book I listened to on Audiobook over a year ago, called “The Thin Woman’s Brain”. The book explains why we have cravings, why we can lose weight and then gain it right back, and why willpower is bullshit. And it explains step by step how you can re-wire your brain to enable you to eat like a naturally thin person. I plan to re-listen to that book during my daily commutes for some extra reinforcement.

Right now, I am committing to:

1) Documenting everything I eat for the next 7 days.

2) Walking no less than 10,000 steps per day, which I can track on my Fitbit.

3) Eating only when I have physical hunger.

4) Eliminating soda and junk food.

I figure that these will be a good start to get things (such as the scale) moving in the right direction. And I love that I have someone to touch base with, share my frustrations with, and for when I need some back-up or a pep talk!


My Weight Loss Journey, Stalled https://onesavedpenny.com/my-weight-loss-journey-stalled-2/ Wed, 25 Jul 2018 22:22:29 +0000 https://onesavedpenny.com/?p=76 As I was walking on the treadmill at the gym this morning, it occurred to me that I never thought I would be at this weight. Earlier, when I looked in the full-size mirror in the locker room, I felt like those weren’t even my thighs, all lumpy and stretched. The me on the inside still thinks I weigh the 125 pounds I was at in my teen years and early twenties. When I think of myself in the future, I see myself as a fit and healthy woman. Not this. Definitely not this.

I remember when my boyfriend, 6’ tall and 200 pounds was losing weight last summer, and I felt so embarrassed when his weight became less than mine. I also felt that I was letting him down as he was doing all the things necessary to improve his life while I was doing nothing to improve my own. That, combined with an upcoming trip to the Bahamas, spurred my super-sized butt into action. In November, I gave up soda and junk food (my biggest weaknesses) and began walking.

In January, I splurged on myself and got myself a Fitbit, which really challenged me to get moving even more. I was able to take off about ten pounds just before the trip in mid-February. I felt much better and was able to completely enjoy the trip without any physical restrictions or feelings of weight-shame. However, I was still not feeling good about the way I looked or felt. After being dressed in little more than a swimsuit for an entire week, I came home with a strong desire to get fit and lose more weight.

I joined Weight Watchers and DietBet, which both helped me to lose about 8 more pounds, fairly easily. I was starting to feel really good, my clothes were getting loose, and my self-confidence seemed to be returning. I was actually looking forward to attending a wedding and getting a new dress that I felt good wearing. Bare arms were shown and selfies were taken.

And then it happened. I have no idea what “it” even was, but it happened. I just stopped doing everything that had been working. I didn’t do it consciously, but every day, I would just let myself skip the walks, or I’d allow just one soda that would easily turn into 2 or 3 more. I was back to eating out all the time. All of the good habits I had been forming over the previous 9 months were surrendered. As a result, here I am, back up those 9 pounds that I had lost. Without reason or explanation of what went wrong.

At this point, I figure I have two choices:
1) Continue on the path I’m on.
2) Pick myself up and move forward.

I choose #2! Now I just have to figure out WHAT it is that I’m going to do and how to make this time different than all those other times. I don’t want to take too long to decide exactly how to go forward, but I do want to take enough time to understand what I have going on emotionally that causes me to continually sabotage my weight loss efforts.

The No Sugar Challenge! https://onesavedpenny.com/the-no-sugar-challenge/ Wed, 15 Nov 2017 20:53:53 +0000 https://onesavedpenny.com/?p=148 THE NO SUGAR CHALLENGE!

Day 1

Yesterday I posted on my Facebook fan page about detoxing our lives. I spent the day thinking about the different things I could start with, but landed on the one thing that I know will make the biggest impact. Plus, It is something I have been putting off for way too long.

So, starting today, I am giving up sweets. I’m talking about candy, sodas, treats, and desserts. I know there are lots of other foods that either contain or convert to sugar, but I’m starting with these little devils, as they have been my downfall for my entire life. I’ve stopped them before, and have loved how much more energy I had, along with the quick weight loss associated with giving up sugar. But like any other addiction, one little slip up would put me back into the downward spiral of rolling in the sugar again.

Day 2

For day two of my detox challenge, I am also going to commit to daily journaling. There is a ton of research behind the power of putting your thoughts and goals on paper. Here is my first day.

While I didn’t really know what to write at first, I was surprised how easily the words came to me. It actually felt pretty good to get my thoughts on paper. If anyone has any tips, ideas, great journal apps or a favorite paper journal you use, please share!

Day 3

This photo pretty much sums up how my second day without sugar went.

Day 4

These last four days without sugar have been challenging, to say the least! I seem to have triggers everywhere I go. Birthday cupcakes, the gas station, the movie theater, the store, going out to eat, and pretty much every time I get into my car! And then there’s the headaches. And why am I not getting skinny yet?! Uggghhhhhhh

Ok, get yourself together, Penny! Did you die? No. Did you starve? No. Did you sleep soooo good the last two nights? Yes! Will tomorrow be a little bit easier? Yes! Will the end result be worth it? Yes! (No, I was not a cheerleader, and no, I do not own a megaphone – but how fun would THAT be? LOL)

Today is supposed to be the last of the tough days. Can’t wait to get over this hump!

Day 9

My sugar free journey has been rough. I had gotten over the 5-day hump and was doing pretty great until Day 9 – Thanksgiving Day. ***Disclaimer*** I told myself when I started that I would allow myself to enjoy the actual holiday days (Thanksgiving & Christmas) and all that those days entail. Well, we arrived at my sister’s house around 1pm after a four-hour drive to Wichita. I was feeling pretty good until she gave us the grand tour of her new house. We were in her spare bedroom, and I had to sit down on the bed due to feeling weak and light-headed. From there, we went straight back down to the kitchen, where she supplied me with some strawberries and grapes. This was probably sufficient, but then she produced the platter of the most beautiful cake balls I have ever laid eyes on. Blaine took a bite, and then offered me one as well. You guys, I started crying (yes, crying) before it even hit my lips. That should have been my first sign that I was not yet mentally prepared to partake in the sugary bliss. But I ate it anyway, and had 3 more before the end of the night. I also had some chocolate coated pretzel sticks, which were also delightful. After an amazing meal, we lounged outside in the 70 degree weather, built a fire on the deck, and had a wonderful holiday. We left around 10pm and I slept like a baby that night.

Day 10 – I was REALLY starting to crave the sugar again. The entire family decided to go to breakfast together before going our separate ways. We went to this amazing home-cooked, made from scratch restaurant, where I soaked my french toast in a pool of syrup without even giving it a second thought. Afterwards, I just reassured myself that I would pick up right where I left off.

Day 11, 12, 13, 14, and today, Day 15 – I cannot stop thinking about drinking a Mt. Dew. I feel like a crazy person every time I’m in my car, because I literally have to talk myself out of it every time I go anywhere. Driving is obviously a major trigger for me! I took my son to Wal-Mart last night and convinced him to buy a Mt. Dew so that I could have “just a couple” of drinks from it, which I did. No big deal, right? WRONG. So today, after internally arguing with myself all week, I crumbled. I drank the whole damn thing too.

So, here’s to a new day tomorrow! I have realized that I cannot continue to give myself any allowances, as I obviously cannot handle the aftermath. I realize that I can’t just give up and go back to my old ways. This holiday and last few days were nothing more than a setback, and setbacks always provide more room to grow. So here we go again! Please send me some good vibes!
